- Teacher: Dr. Donna Vaughan
- Teacher: Dr. Donna Vaughan
- Teacher: Dr. Donna Vaughan
- Teacher: Dr. Donna Vaughan
- Teacher: Dr. Donna Vaughan
- Teacher: Dr. Donna Vaughan
- Teacher: Dr. Donna Vaughan
The University of Jaffna in partnership with Partners in Micro-development Inc. (PIMD - www.microdevpartners.org ) is pleased to announce the launch of the first in a series of short courses for primary and junior secondary English teachers in teaching English literacy (reading and writing).
This first course in the program – Teaching Phonological Awareness and Phonics - provides teachers with a theory- based understanding of language acquisition by young children, an introduction to the seven language systems, and a complete teaching program for English phonological awareness and systematic phonics.
This program can be implemented alongside the Government English syllabi for primary grades and lower secondary.
The course runs for 8 weeks. Each week participants will watch a pre-recorded video lecture with slides and submit a homework assignment. Every two weeks there will be a live Zoom tutorial session where you can ask questions.